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Friday, May 6, 2016

Shoppers Guide: Buying Wall Mounted Electric Fires

Wall mounted electric fireplaces take up just a little space of a photo frame on the wall. Unlike traditional wood-burning fireplaces, they don’t give off harmful gases, causing health hazards to their users. An electric fire is a perfect alternative to a real fire and gives the warmth, light and cosiness of a real fire. Easy-to-install and easy-to-maintain, these electric fires come in a wide variety of styles, making their selection a hard job for shoppers who intend to purchase a fire out of many.
In order to facilitate those intending to shop an electric fire, a shopping guide is being presented here.

When it comes to shopping an electric fire, the very first thing that has to be borne in mind is that they come in a different variety of style which includes flat and arched shapes. Shoppers will come across various options about flame effects of those fires. From pebble to log, they are available in a range of flame effects to choose from. You can choose an electric fire according to your room ambiance. So, it is you who to decide first which type of flame effect would suit your room ambiance and taste.
modern electric fire has many unique features like log and pebble glowing effects which look like a real fire! Shoppers may choose as per their preference.
Unlike in the past when traditional fireplaces were the only option, nowadays electric fires are available and have made a way into the market strongly. As a result, you have options to choose from. Interestingly, people are more interested in modern electric fires because these are not the fireplaces that come with the house. The reason is, that they can fit in a little space first of all, can fit with the rest of your decor and are eco-friendly. Electric fires also work as a wall decoration excellently. Do you know some of them can even work as a mirror when the fire is turned off, making a two in one decoration.
While choosing an electric fire from many, choose the one that gives the choice of shells or rocks as a flame bed and that allows you to change the colour of flame you like. There are many which give even 7 different colours like vibrant red, orange, brilliant blue, rose red, lovely lavender, soft blue, and pretty pink. You can change colours as it suits your ambient.
Electric fireplaces come with the settings that enable you to decide how much heat you want them to give off. While choosing one out of them, make sure you have given a minute attention to their detail specifications. An ideal electric fire has two heat settings, namely 1000w and 2000w settings and that can enable you to adjust fire heat via remote control.
Going for the side-lit LED-harnessed wall mounted electric fires would be a wise decision. The reason is, LED harnessed fires can give different colour glows, turning an ambient nice. Top of all, they can last longer and don’t require their users to change them unlike bulbs-fitted fires. What you need to see is to check whether the fire is CE-compliant or not.
Buy a wall mounted electric fireplace and see for yourself how it can cheer up any room in the house. For any further queries about modern electric fires and surrounds, feel free to contact expert electric fires via this reputed electric fire store.
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